
'Tis the Season to be Thankful

Sometimes I think people tend to get too caught up in the material things, the superficial things, and the not so important things. With blogging it's all about what's the newest thing you can buy, constantly acquiring things (and it never being enough) and envying what other people have, and highlighting what you lack. And I am certainly guilty of many of these things too. In both the blogging world and real world, it seems like people have already fast forwarded to Christmas planning and shopping (here come the endless blogger gift guides) and we've forgotten about Thanksgiving. Aside from the amazing food and family togetherness - the holiday is really all about being thankful. Sometimes on Thanksgiving day we don't even get a chance to reflect on what we're thankful for because we're so caught up cooking, and making sure the turkey is basted and trying to watch football to see if you racked up fantasy football points. 

So I'm asking you all to pause right this moment and read these 19 little reminders of how you should be grateful for every little privilege in your life and to really reflect on the things we should be thankful for. Because for each one of these little things we take for granted, there are many people who don't have that luxury. 
The orginal site for this list can be found here

  1. You are alive.
  2. You are able to see the sunrise and the sunset.
  3. You are able to hear birds sing and waves crash.
  4. You can walk outside and feel the breeze through your hair and the sun’s warmth on your skin.
  5. You have tasted the sweetness of chocolate cake.
  6. You didn’t go to sleep hungry last night.
  7. You awoke this morning with a roof over your head.
  8. You had a choice of what clothes to wear.
  9. You haven’t feared for your life today.
  10. You have overcome some considerable obstacles, and you have learned and survived.
  11. You often worry about what you’re going to do with your life – your career, your family, the next step, etc. – which means you have ambition, passion, drive, and the freedom to make your own decisions.
  12. You live in a country that protects your basic human rights and civil liberties.
  13. You are reasonably strong and healthy – if you got sick today, you could recover.
  14. You have a friend or relative who misses you and looks forward to your next visit.
  15. You have someone with whom to reminisce about ‘the good old days.’
  16. You have access to clean drinking water.
  17. You have access to medical care.
  18. You have access to the Internet.
  19. You can read.
The truth is, you’re doing better than a lot of people in this world.  So remember to be grateful for all the things you do have.
I hope this made you just a little more grateful today like it did for me! I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday and great weekend : )
xo Steph


  1. Absolutely love this post! A great reminder of what Thanksgiving is all about!

    The Tiny Heart
    Uncommon Goods Giveaway!

  2. I had a meeting this morning about ISP and heading to central america for a few weeks of service in. These things fit right in with a lot of the conversation.

  3. I love this post. I am tired of fashion blogs lately because I catch myself always "wanting" rather than "needing" I should be thankful that I am living and have options. :)

  4. i love this! sometimes life gets so hectic you forget how good you had it! Its important to stop and reflect!

    love from San Francisco,

  5. I am 100% guilty of the "i need more" complex. Thank you for the reminder that I do have enough, and I'm very lucky for that.


  6. brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful blog. We all have a lot to be thankful for.Thank you for a great blog and for reminding us all what Thanksgiving is all about.love you much.:) Grola

  7. Thank you for this Stephanie! I'm so guilty of living in the blogging bubble! Such a great post and reminder to stop and reflect and be thankful for everything we have!

  8. This has made my Monday. It's so easy getting caught up with life, perusing others lives and wanting more 'things' to fill our own. I was always someone comparing my own 'stuff' to others, since blogging it may have gotten worse but I can distinguish that ugly demon and vanquish it - sometimes lol. Thanks for the reminder to just breathe and be grateful for the little, simple things in life, like the fact I can actually breathe on my accord. That is something to be very thankful for.


  9. Such a beautiful and important post. It's so important to be thankful for all of the little things in life. Every morning my hubby and I write down 10 things we're thankful for. It helps to always start the day off on a positive note. :)

  10. A lot of thanks guy for this spanking post here .


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