
Forum Friday: Is Granny Hair Fierce or Faux Pas?

Yup you heard me, it's called granny hair. What is it? It's women who are choosing to either go fully gray early, putting in gray highlights, or even doing a funky gray ombre look. Currently, I do go to the salon every few months to color my hair. I've noticed since turning 30, my grays have been coming in full force. Not so much so that I have the skunk line running down the center of my head, but more like they are sprouting up like unwanted silver highlights. I do color my grays right now because 1.) I feel like I'm way too young to have gray hairs showing and 2.) I'm getting married this March, so I do want to keep that youth appearance right now. Understanding that graying hair is all hereditary, I know I will most likely start graying early like my mom did.
But more about this granny hair. When I first heard about it, I thought it was nuts. Like why would anyone do this?! Until I started seeing some totally gorgeous, confident women rocking their gray locks. And then I started to change my mind.
Like seriously how gorgeous is she? 
All original sources for granny hair an be found on my pinterest page.
 So you could go a lot on the ombre….
 or just a little…..
recognize anyone from Orange is the New Black? Or should I say Gray is the new black. I do have to admit she looks fierce with that gray/lavender combo.
Or go mostly gray with some dark roots showing.

So what are your thoughts? I have to admit I think it looks ahhhhhmazing on all these ladies! Will I ever have the guts to do it myself? That's to be determined. I do know that because I have such dark, almost black hair, it would require a lot of bleach, which in turn can result in come severely damaged hair that breaks off. However, if you're up for that risk, I am kind of totally on board with this trend. But what do you think? Leave a comment and let me know what you think on the new silver fox trend!

xo Steph


  1. My cousin is a hairdresser down here and she keeps sending me pictures like this asking to do it to my hair! I've always said that when I'm older I'd be a gray haired woman, but I don't think 27 is the time (though I have a feeling it will happen naturally sooner than I want haha). I do LOVE the pastel/gray pinks and purple that keeps popping up, but something that bold just wouldn't go over well at my office.

  2. Love the hair, super cool. BTW I’ve just written this post on 10 make up trends for Autumn Winter and thought you would like it :O)

  3. All of their hairstyles are gorgeous . Thank for sharing .


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