Hi guys! I'm back from an extremely long break and I'm ready to blog again. My apologies for going total radio silence on you all. As you can see, my last post was from THANKSGIVING, which is pitiful in itself and I have no excuses other than blogging was not a huge priority at the time. There had been a lot of changes in my life the past few months including moving to a new place in hopes to save money for our upcoming wedding. Guys, I'm getting married remember!? I'm currently making some career changes (that are in the works) as well, so there's that. In addition, my dad had open heart surgery back in January which was a scary and trying time for our family but he's doing better than ever so shout out dad for being one of the only readers still urging me to bring the blog back! When he was out of work and at home on the mend he would constantly complain about how his favorite blog called "Pretty Little Things" just kind of vanished off the internet grid, without so much of an explanation. Well, here I am dad, and readers. Thanks for everyone who is still around and wants to read my daily inspirations, sharing of pretty little things and ramblings.
I also included old pics of me doing style and outfit posts. Just in case you forgot what I looked like ;)
With that being said, while not blogging I've thought about incorporating a few new things on the blog. We'll have a new structure with themed posts based on the day.
Here's what the new Pretty Little Things looks like:
Mondays: Beauty! I've been wanting to start doing beauty posts about my favorite products, reviews, and overall love of all things girly. While I'm no beauty maven or expert, I thought it would be fun to share my opinions, personal finds and thoughts on products. I'll be sure to share any beauty inspirations too!
Tuesdays: Style Tuesday. Style and fashion was a staple on my blog for a while now and this will continue to be shared on Tuesdays. I'll include my personal outfits as well as styled outfits and links where to find similar items. Need help getting dressed this morning? The Style tab will be your place for daily inspiration. Consider it an extension of your closet!
Wednesdays: Wedding Wednesday! Ok bear with me guys. For those of you who are nauseated by the thought of women talking about all things weddings, this will be your heads up to avoid me on Wednesdays (but please don't!! Insert sad face here). I assure you my blog will never turn into a wedding blog. However, planning our wedding is a big part of my life right now and I wanted to share details here and there, as well as getting advice from you all. Plus to be honest, it's just a really exciting time in my life right now and I wanted a place to share it all. So there you have it, Wedding Wednesday :)
Thursdays: FOOD. Food has always and will always play a large part in my life. I am a self proclaimed foodie who loves to share new recipes, party and entertaining ideas, healthy and not so healthy food options (life is all about moderation, right?) So I will continue to share food posts because, who doesn't love gazing a delicious food porn pics, right?
Friday: Forum Friday. Ok, this is a new idea I'm excited about. One thing I missed about blogging is the dialogue and conversation I can have with others. I want my blogging interactions to go much farther than the simple "great post, love the outfit" comments. I want to ENGAGE in conversation and topics with you all. Some serious, some silly, and some in between. But on Fridays, I thought my idea of "Forum Friday" would be a great way to discuss topics, share differing ideas and viewpoints, and continue the conversation into the weekend. Almost like a community. Sound good? Yeah, I thought so too ;)
So that's what's been going on with me. What going on with all of you? What are your thoughts on the new blog changes?
xo Steph